And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10
The world needs Jesus. Getting out the Good News of the Gospel should start in our own town. Below are some of our local outreach opportunities.
Good News Club
Every Thursday during the school year, children are taught the saving love of Jesus. Good News Club is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship.
The children learn Bible Stories, verses, Missionary Stories, songs, review games and have the all important after school snack.
Crisis Pregnancy Center
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a Christ-centered organization with a calling to reach out to women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies by offering real help for the present, hope for the future, and healing from the past.
CPC’s 3 medical clinics and 2 satellite resource centers serve Moms, Dads, and pre-born babies in all 5 cities of South Hampton Roads.
CPC exists to save lives, spare hearts, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want our clients to know we genuinely care and have no financial gain from their pregnancy decision. We raise all financial support for our ministry through private funding.
Union Mission Ministries - Norfolk
The Union Mission Ministries is committed to caring for our homeless guests’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, helping them overcome poverty and build a better future. Most important, we are committed to changing lives forever by sharing the redemptive love of our Savior through the Gospel of Christ.
Hampton Roads Regional Jail (Good News Jail Ministry)
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry is the largest independent supplier of chaplains for jails and prisons worldwide, serving in 22 states, 1 American territory and 25 countries. We support a local chaplain at the Hampton Roads Regional Jail as he brings the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners. We thank you for helping us reach those others have forgotten.
Van Ministry
We are blessed to reach young people in Chesapeake with the Gospel each week as they ride the vans into church for our midweek services.
We also are able to provide a meal monthly for all of the children (a favorite Wednesday for all).